Dec 22, 2023

Introduction to GPTs: personalize your ChatGPT experience

Carla Susagna

On November 6, OpenAI released a new feature called GPTs, which will allow users to customize and create customized versions of ChatGPT to suit their specific needs.

What are GPTs and how do they work?

They are customized versions of ChatGPT that can be created for specific purposes, whether for personal use, at work or in classrooms. For example, GPTs can help you learn the rules of any board game, teach your children math, or give you the steps to follow to install a printer. Best of all, no programming knowledge is required to create a GPT, making it accessible to anyone.

To create them, it's as simple as starting a conversation, giving them additional instructions and knowledge, and choosing the functions you want them to perform, such as searching the web, creating images or analyzing data.

OpenAI has designed GPTs with privacy and security in mind, giving you control over your data and allowing you to make decisions about the use of third parties. In addition, systems have been implemented to review GPTs and prevent the sharing of harmful content.

How to use them in the educational context?

  1. Customization for different educational needs: Educators can develop GPTs that focus on specific areas of teaching or learning. This could include, for example, GPTs designed to teach mathematics, science or languages in a more interactive way adapted to students' learning styles.
  2. Innovative educational tools: GPTs can serve as teaching assistants, providing instant answers to student questions, personalized tutorials, or even interactive assessments.
  3. Collaboration and knowledge sharing: The ability to share GPTs publicly in the OpenAI GPT Store encourages collaboration between educators. The best educational GPTs could be used and improved by a global community of educators, boosting the exchange of knowledge and teaching methods.
  4. Privacy and Security in Education: OpenAI has implemented privacy controls and review systems to ensure that GPTs are used in a safe and responsible manner. This is crucial in educational environments where the protection of student data is paramount.
  5. Connecting to the real world: GPTs can be integrated with external databases and APIs, opening up possibilities for richer and more contextualized educational experiences. For example, a GPT could connect to a historical database to enrich history lessons.
  6. Preparing for the Future of AI in Education: As GPTs become more intelligent and capable, educators and students will have the opportunity to interact with advanced AI technologies, preparing for a future where artificial intelligence plays a key role in diverse sectors.

In short, the innovations introduced by OpenAI with customizable GPTs offer exciting opportunities to innovate and improve the educational experience, making teaching and learning more interactive, personalized and adapted to the needs of the digital age.

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